Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TSE Day 3: Passing Showers (Nikki and Kristin)

Prior to our 10:30 am start the sky would periodically open up and dump.  Thankfully it stopped for our start and the weather was perfect for an absolutely fantastic course!

The start was, again, mass and "controlled" (but not really).  We took off out of camp and up a WET and SLOPPY double-track climb for about 2 miles, then through a fast, muddy double-track descent before we hit the first of many fast fireroads.  It was here that Nikki and I had our second fight ever.  She rolled up to me and said, "Why do you insist on going so hard out of the     blocks when you know that I have asthma?"

Over the course of the next three and half hours we rode through some of the prettiest terrain including long climbs, fast carriage roads, one dark and disorienting tunnel, and a fisherman's trail - all dense with ferns and fabulous smells after an early summer rain shower.  It was beautiful despite getting poured on occasionally.  Just as I turned to Nikki and said, "This has been one of the most beautiful and enjoyable rides of my life," we hit the final 3 or so miles of singletrack - rocky, wet, muddy, steep, and sandy - urgh.....  We finished the stage in just under 4 hours, caked in sandy mud, pretty psyched with our ride, but potentially more psyched at the cheddar combo's that Travis had at the finish.  Again, Travis saves the day!

Wondering about our fight?  It was nothing a little singing couldn't resolve.  Ever heard the song about the monkey and the engineer?  

Stay tuned for stories from Stage 4

1 comment:

  1. Oh the cheddar combos...fantastic with the shot of coca-cola! Tonight (now home) i read up on all the stories while munching on "chicken in a Biskit" crackers!
